We offer an integrated suite of services that orchestrate your project
through the entire web product lifecycle and realize your business vision:
on this page:
Strategy / Management
Analysis / Design
Architecture / Performance
S T R A T E G Y / M A N A G E M E N T
Program Strategy
Translate business vision into an executable blue print that
cost-effectively delivers an outstanding customer experience.
Product Strategy
Develop a robust product strategy — analyze the market space
and audience, research customer segments, assess existing offerings and create a detailed roadmap.
Build or Buy?
Guide your business and technology through critical vendor
and outsourcing decisions by applying our multi-disciplinary model.
Lifecycle Management
Manage the entire project lifecycle from business vision to
deployment for timely delivery and an optimal customer experience. |
A N A L Y S I S / D E S I G N
Problem Assessment
Characterize your thorny business technology issues and conceptualize
approaches that are best suited to achieving your business goal.
Requirements Elaboration
Develop detailed requirements for your initiative, align them with
the product vision and facilitate the hand-off to development for construction.
Experience Design
Create a superior customer experience through a synthesis of the
product, operations and technological requirements for the application.
Impact Analysis
Model the interactions between your people, processes and technology in
the context of a new web initiative. Understand the impact across your
organization and devise appropriate solutions. |
A R C H I T E C T U R E / P E R F O R M A N C E
Architecture Assessment
Evaluate system architecture options best suited to your initiative.
Tame the complexity of your existing platform through reuse, re-factoring and
selective use of new technology.
Application Architecture
Create detailed, relevant, context-oriented architectural models for
proposed web applications and services.
Infrastructure Assessment
Assess your platform, service delivery/support capabilities and create an
enterprise web architecture that is sustainable and meets your operational priorities.
Performance & Availability
Improve the performance of your web platform to fully leverage your hardware
investment. Ensure that your SLAs are met through comprehensive monitoring,
demand management, and capacity analysis. |
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